Stone Fruit
Poetry, chapbook, 36 pages, from Bottlecap Press.
Tracking the seasons, Stone Fruit brings intimate awe to life’s mundane. Sentimental, erotic, of the body, and fiercely human, this collection asks the questions, how many ways are there to love? And inherently, within that, to let go?
Arcing through a year’s time, the collection yields to emotion, pleasure and tenderness. By observing the world with sensitivity, Stone Fruit makes movement towards the possibility of subtle, yet vital, cultural change. Each poem, at it’s heart, is a love poem of some kind, with it’s attempt and determination to adore detail and appreciate the depth of basic aliveness.
Stone Fruit brings the gaze of the lover to all things, and is offered both as a tool for resilience and as a way to praise.
Cover art also by Aiyana Masla